Plibrico 80 AB
Product: Plibrico 80 AB
Product #: 10016
Service Temperature Limit: 3200°F
Installation Method: Ramming
Shelf Life: 12 months
Industries: Aluminum, Steel, Foundry, Mineral Processing, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining
Best Applications: Applications in industrial processes which require a super duty plastic including:
- Burner cones
- Steel and foundry – reheat furnaces, soaking pits, and forge furnaces
- Boilers
- Incinerators
- Aluminum – furnace upper walls and roofs
Plibrico TDS Link –
Product Information: Plibrico 80 AB is Plibrico’s highest temperature standard air bond plastic refractory. This tried-and-true plastic utilizes a bauxite aggregate in an alumina fortified air bonding matrix. The result is a reliable and consistent plastic refractory with high refractoriness and volume stability. Product attributes include:
- Contains an air bonding agent for better low temperature strength and shrinkage control
- Good volume stability at high temperatures
- Good thermal shock and crack resistance
- Moderate slag resistance
- Meets ASTM classification C673 80% Alumina
Material ordered in either Stiff (SF), Standard (SD), or Export (EX) workability.
Available Internationally As: Plico®️ 80 AB
Plibrico SDS Link –