Product: Plicast Tuff Mix KK

Product #: 14027

Service Temperature Limit: 2500°F

Installation Method: Casting

Shelf Life: 12 months

Industries: Power Generation, Steel, Aluminum, Mineral Processing, Refining, Off Gas, Foundry, Pulp & Paper, Sugar, Incineration, Boilers

Best Applications: Terrific for intermediate duty, general refractory uses, typical applications include:

  1. Incinerator
  2. Boilers
  3. Fluid bed combustors
  4. Dryers and calciners
  5. Homogenizing and annealing furnaces
  6. Stacks
  7. Gypsum kettles
  8. Fireplaces
  9. Precast shapes, ie: Cleaver Brooks Tile

Plibrico TDS Link

Product Information: Plicast® Tuff Mix is a Plibrico industry standard castable mix for general use up to 2500°F. This versatile refractory possesses moderate density, good strength as well as excellent castablity. Engineered to be installation friendly, Plicast Tuff Mix has applications across virtually every industry. Product advantages include:

  • Good strength-to-density ratio for economical use
  • Good volume stability
  • Moderate thermal expansion
  • Moderate thermal conductivity
  • Good water range for ease of installation

Available Internationally As: Plico® Castable Tuff Mix KK

Plibrico SDS Link

Product: Plicast Trowl Mix
Product #: 14016

Service Temperature Limit: 2400°F

Installation Method: Troweling
Shelf Life: 12 months

Industries: Power Generation, Boilers, Incinerators, Off-Gas, Thermal Oxidizers

Best Applications: This material has been engineered for troweling applications and repairs that require a general use, intermediate duty, 2400°F refractory castable, including:

  1. Boilers – fire tube and water tube
  2. Reheat and forge furnaces
  3. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers

Plibrico TDS Link

Product Information: Plicast®️ Trowl Mix is a general use, intermediate duty, 2400°F service limit castable engineered to mix to a thick, sticky consistency. This tacky consistency allows it to be installed via troweling … even on vertical and some overhead applications that have proper anchoring installed. In addition, Plicast Trowl Mix is great to use for repairs on spalled and cracked refractory surfaces. Product characteristics and advantages include:

  • Moderate density
  • Adequate physical strength
  • Good adherence to refractory surfaces
  • Wide mixing water ranges
  • Though typically cast/ troweled, Plicast Trowl Mix also has very good dry gunning characteristics with or without pre-dampening.

Available Internationally As: Plico®️ Castable Trowl Mix

Plibrico SDS Link

Product: Plicast Steel Mix

Product #: 14095

Service Temperature Limit:  2700°F

Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life: 12 months

Industries: Power Generation, Steel, Aluminum, Mineral Processing, Refining, Off Gas, Foundry, Pulp & Paper, Sugar, Incineration, Boilers

Best Applications:  Engineered and excellent for high duty, general refractory uses.   Typical applications include:

  1. Incineration
  2. Boilers
  3. Fluid bed combustors
  4. Dryers and calciners
  5. Homogenizing and annealing furnace
  6. Stacks
  7. Gypsum kettles
  8. Fireplaces
  9. Precast shapes

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® Steel Mix is a high duty, low iron, high strength, general use castable rated up to 2700°F.   Tried and true, Plicast Steel Mix is a versatile material that can be utilized in a variety of industries and applications.   Product advantages include:

  • Good strength-to-density ratio for economical use
  • Good volume stability
  • Moderate thermal expansion
  • Moderate thermal conductivity

Available Internationally As: Plico® Castable Steel Mix

Plibrico SDS Link –

Service Temperature Limit


Installation Method


Shelf Life

12 months


Aluminum/Non-Ferrous, Mineral Processing, Steel, Power Generation, Refining, Off-Gas, Pulp & Paper,  Sugar

Best Applications

Field cast applications requiring a general use 3000°F super duty castable including:

  1. Homogenizing and annealing furnaces – car bottoms and bases
  2. Reheat and forge furnaces – walls and roofs
  3. Boilers – baffles and tube insulation
  4. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers
  5. Soaking pits
  6. Gypsum kettles

Product Information

Plicast® KL 3000-P KK is a pumpable version of the very popular Plicast® KL 3000 KK.   This modified pumping blend allows for a more rapid placement of the material.   Many conventional castables do not possess the matrix composition and “body” that allow for pump placement, and if pumping is even attempted, it typically results in failure with water separation and “rock jambs”.   Plicast KL 3000-P KK was specifically formulated to maintain its super duty, high strength physical characteristics while preventing pumping issues.

Product: Plicast KL 3000 KK

Product #: 14035

Service Temperature Limit: 3000°F

Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life:  12 months

Industries:  Steel, Power Generation, Boilers, Incineration, Thermal Oxidizers, Aluminum, Mineral Processing

Best Applications:  Engineered for field cast applications that require a general use 3000°F super duty castable including:

  1. Homogenizing and annealing furnaces – car bottoms and bases
  2. Reheat and forge furnaces – walls and roofs
  3. Boilers – baffles and tube insulation
  4. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers
  5. Soaking pits
  6. Gypsum kettles
  7. Stacks

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® KL 3000 KK is a conventional 3000°F class castable.   Plicast KL 3000 KK is based on super duty aggregate and high purity calcium aluminate cement.   A good fit for less demanding applications, this durable material has been a go to, general use castables for decades.   Product characteristics include:

  • Moderate density
  • Good cold and hot strength
  • Moderate thermal conductivity
  • Good volume stability
  • Moderate thermal expansion 
  • Economical and easy to use

Plibrico SDS Link –

Service Temperature Limit


Installation Method

Cast or Pump

Shelf Life

12 months


Aluminum/Non-Ferrous, Steel, Foundry

Best Applications

Higher temperature flooring and splash pad applications around furnaces and casting pits.   Can also be used for:

  1. Homogenizing furnace hearths
  2. Annealing furnaces bases
  3. Heat treat furnace car bottoms

Product Information

Plicast® Floor Guard HT is designed for hot flooring and splash pads.   Created for applications above the optimum temperature range of Plicast Floor Guard, Plicast Floor Guard HT maintains good strength, abrasion and spall resistance above 1500°F.   Ready to use in as little as 16 hours, the HT floor guard develops strength rapidly with a minimum cure period.   Flexible, Plicast Floor Guard HT may be installed by casting or pumping.

Product: Plicast Floor Guard

Product #: 14270

 Service Temperature Limit: 2000°F

 Installation Method:  Casting or Pumping

Shelf Life:  12 months

 Industries:  Aluminum, Steel, Foundry

Best Applications:  Hot flooring and splash pad applications around furnaces and casting pits.  Product can also be used for:

  1. Homogenizing furnace hearths
  2. Annealing furnaces bases
  3. Heat treat furnace car bottoms

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® Floor Guard is a fireclay castable specifically designed for hot flooring and splash pad applications.   The material maintains good strength, abrasion, and spall resistance from ambient temperatures to +1800°F.   Plicast Floor Guard develops strength rapidly with a minimum cure period.   The quick cure time allows the area to be used in as little as 16 hrs.   For maximum hydraulic strength, a full cure is required, and is attained after 48 hrs.   Plicast Floor Guard may be installed by casting and/or pumping.   Product attributes include:

  • High cured crushing strength: 4000+ psi @ 24hrs, 7000+ psi @ 48 hr
  • Very good low temperature abrasion resistance: 8cc @500°F
  • Excellent hot splash spall resistance
  • Thermal cycling resistant

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Castable Floor Guard

 Plibrico SDS Link –

Product: Plicast 40
Product #: 14010

Service Temperature Limit: 3400°F

Installation Method: Casting or Pumping
Shelf Life: 9 months

Industries: Oil/Gas, Off-Gas, Chemical-Ammonia, Steel, Aluminum, Refining, Ferrous, Pulp & Paper

Best Applications: Higher temperature and/or reducing atmosphere applications in industrial processes including:

  1. Precast Shapes – including burner cones and piers – various industries
  2. Ammonia reformers
  3. Oil fired and waste heat boiler choke rings
  4. Carbon black reactors
  5. Sulfur recovery units -burners and tube sheets

Plibrico TDS Link

Product Information: Plicast®️ 40 is a high purity, very high temperature conventional castable. With a service limit of 3400°F, it utilizes a high purity corundum aggregate and matrix, bonded by high purity calcium aluminate cement. It possesses good strength and abrasion resistance, and can be used in a variety of applications where a high purity castable is required. Product properties for Plicast 40 include:

  • Great hot strength especially above 2500°F
  • Good resistance to reducing and high H2 atmospheres
  • Good abrasion resistance
  • High thermal conductivity
  • High thermal expansion coefficient
  • Neutral chemistry for corrosion resistance to moderately acid and basic slags
  • Good high temperature creep resistance
  • Plicast 40 has good flow and setting characteristics allowing it to be place by vibration, casting or pumping.

Available Internationally As: Plico®️ Castable 40

Plibrico SDS Link

Product: Plicast 36

Product #: 14008

Service Temperature Limit: 3100°F

Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life:  9 months

Industries:  Steel, Mineral Processing, Boilers

Best Applications:  Developed for high temperature applications and general refractory uses over a wide range of applications, including:

  1. Pre-cast burner throats
  2. Annealing & Homogenizing Furnace Base
  3. Gypsum Kettle Side Walls
  4. Water-tube Boiler Floors

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® 36 is a work-horse conventional castable.   With a high temperature service limit, this mullite-based, high strength material offers very good volume stability.   It comes with an economical cost to meet a broad range of applications.   Product advantages include:

  • Low Iron Content
  • Very good volume stability
  • Good thermal conductivity for a mullite based product
  • Easy to install

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Castable 36

Plibrico SDS Link –

Product: Plicast 31

Product #: 14006

Service Temperature Limit:  2800°F

Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life: 12 months

Industries: Steel, Mineral Processing, Refining, Boilers, Foundry, Pulp & Paper, Sugar, Power Generation, Incineration

Best Applications:  Engineered for higher temperature, intermediate duty, general refractory uses over a wide range of applications.   Typical applications include:

  1. Boiler baffles, floors, and cells
  2. Incinerators
  3. Dryers and Calciners
  4. Gypsum Kettles
  5. Homogenizing and annealing furnaces
  6. Flues
  7. Fluid bed combustors
  8. Cement clinker coolers

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® 31 is a well-proven, refractory veteran that can be used in many different applications.   It is a first quality, high strength castable refractory.   Plicast 31 offers balanced properties at an economical cost to meet a broad range of service conditions at higher operating temperatures.   Product advantages include:

  • 2800°F service limit
  • Good strength to density ratio for economical use
  • Good volume stability
  • Moderate thermal expansion
  • Moderate thermal conductivity
  • Good water range for ease of installation

Available Internationally As: Plico Castable 31

Plibrico SDS Link –

  • Plibrico® Plastic Refractories

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®Super F AB58%2900F / 1590CSDS
    Plibrico®60 AB58%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS
    Plibrico®90 AB90%3400F / 1871CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®55 S54%3000F / 1648CSDS
    Plibrico®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®68 SA68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®85 S Special83%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®90 S90%3400F / 1870CSDS
    Plibrico®SiC 80(80% SiC)2700F / 1480CSDS

    (fine grain – soft)

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®SR 6868%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 8583%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 9088%3400F / 1870CSDS

    Plibrico HyRATE® Plastic Refractories – Gunning Grade

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®Super F AB43%2900F / 1595CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®60 AB60%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®85 S Special84%3300F / 1815CSDS