US Safety Datasheet

US Technical Datasheet

Heat-up Schedule

Installation Guide


International Safety Datasheet

International Technical Datasheet
For questions about Plibrico products, please contact Plibrico Customer Care.
Exo-set Uno M G B
Available Internationally As: Exo-set Uno M G B
Class: Chemical Bond Castable Refractories and Gun Mixes
Category: Exo-Set UNO Castable Refractories and Gun Mixes
Type: Chemical Bond – 1 Component
Metal Anchor: AA-1, AA-5, AA-6 and Wall-Seat AWS
Metallic Anchors/Clips/Hangers/Hooks/Wall-Seats and Brackets
Pli-Bric IFB 23
Pli-Bric IFB 26
Pli-Bric IFB 28
Pli-Bric IFB 30
Pli-Shot Al-Shield GHC 7 KK
Available Internationally As: Plicocrete Shot A-S GHC 7 KK
Class: Aluminum Contact Castable Refractories
Category: Pli-Shot Castable Refractories
Type: Aluminum Resistant
Pli-Shot HyMOR 3000 KK
Available Internationally As: Plico Shotcrete LC 3000 KK
Class: Shotcrete Refractories
Category: Pli-Shot Castable Refractories
Type: Low Cement
Pli-Shot HyMOR 3100 KK
Available Internationally As: Plico Shotcrete LC 3100 KK
Class: Shotcrete Refractories
Category: Pli-Shot Castable Refractories
Type: Low Cement