Product: Pligun 48
Product #: 13003
Service Temperature Limit: 2900°F
Installation Method: Gunning
Shelf Life: 12 months
Industries: Power Generation, Off-Gas, Heat Treat, Foundry, Incineration, Boilers
Best Applications: This material is versatile and has applications in many different industries including:
- Soaking pits
- Heat treat furnaces
- Incinerators / thermal oxidizers
- Boilers
- Dryers and calciners
- Stacks
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Product Information: Pligun® 48 is a super duty gun mix suitable for use at temperatures up to 2900°F. It possesses moderate density, adequate strength, and good characteristics. Pligun 48 is typically used as a hot or cold servicing/repair material but can be used as a primary lining. Product advantages include:
- Moderate density
- Moderate thermal expansion
- Moderate thermal conductivity
- Low rebound and wide gunning water range
- Good adherence to old refractory
- No special gunning installation requirements
- Economical
Available Internationally As: Plico® Gun Mix 48
Plibrico SDS Link –