Product: Pligun 48

Product #: 13003

 Service Temperature Limit: 2900°F

 Installation Method:  Gunning

Shelf Life:  12 months

 Industries:  Power Generation, Off-Gas, Heat Treat, Foundry, Incineration, Boilers

Best Applications:  This material is versatile and has applications in many different industries including:

  1. Soaking pits
  2. Heat treat furnaces
  3. Incinerators / thermal oxidizers
  4. Boilers
  5. Dryers and calciners
  6. Stacks

 Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Pligun® 48 is a super duty gun mix suitable for use at temperatures up to 2900°F.   It possesses moderate density, adequate strength, and good characteristics.   Pligun 48 is typically used as a hot or cold servicing/repair material but can be used as a primary lining.   Product advantages include:

  • Moderate density
  • Moderate thermal expansion
  • Moderate thermal conductivity
  • Low rebound and wide gunning water range
  • Good adherence to old refractory
  • No special gunning installation requirements
  • Economical

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Gun Mix 48

 Plibrico SDS Link –

Service Temperature Limit: 3300°F

Installation Method:  Gunning

Shelf Life:  9 months

Industries:  Oil/Gas, Off-Gas, Chemical-Ammonia, Steel, Ferrous, Refining, Pulp & Paper, Thermal Oxidizers

Best Applications:  Designed for very high temperature and/or reducing atmosphere applications in industrial processes, including:

  1. Thermal Oxidizer burner and reducing zones
  2. Ammonia Reformers
  3. Oil fired and waste heat boilers
  4. Carbon Black Reactors
  5. Sulfur recovery units

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Pligun® 40 is a high alumina, high strength, conventional gun mix for service at elevated temperatures and demanding conditions.   It provides excellent chemical resistance as well as good abrasion resistance.   Pligun 40 has a low silica content making it suitable for high-temperature hydrogen atmospheres.   This gun mix utilizes a high purity corundum aggregate and matrix, bonded by high purity calcium aluminate cement.   It can be used in a variety of applications where a high purity refractory is required.   Further product advantages for Pligun 40 include:

  • Good physical properties for a conventional gun mix at elevated temperatures above 2000°F
  • Excellent resistance to reducing and H2 atmospheres
  • High Refractoriness
  • Good high temperature creep resistance
  • High thermal expansion coefficient
  • High thermal conductivity
  • Good gunability

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Gun Mix 40

Plibrico SDS Link –

Product: Pligun 3100 Special
Product #: 14031

Service Temperature Limit: 3100°F

Installation Method: Gunning
Shelf Life: 9 months

Industries: Power Generation, Mineral Processing, Steel, Aluminum/Non-Ferrous, Boilers, Incineration, Off-Gas

Best Applications: This material is great for new installations, as well as repair and resurfacing worn refractory. Typical applications include :

  1. Reheat, forging, and heat treat furnaces
  2. Aluminum furnaces – Non metal contact
  3. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers
  4. Boilers
  5. Dryers and calciners
  6. Stacks and ducts

Plibrico TDS Link

Product Information: Pligun™️ 3100 Special is a “go to” gun mix for general use in applications up to 3100°F. Pligun 3100 Special is a mullite based, low cement product with good density and strength as well as possessing excellent gunning characteristics. It may be heated up in as little as 16 hrs and does not require a stringent low cement type bake out schedule. Product advantages include:

  • Good strength and density
  • Moderate thermal expansion
  • Moderate thermal conductivity
  • Good adherence to worn refractory
  • Low rebound and gunning water range
  • No special gunning installation requirements

Available Internationally As: Plico®️ Gun Mix 3100 Special

Plibrico SDS Link

Product: Pligun CL 5-M KK

Product #: 13077

Service Temperature Limit:  2800°F

Installation Method:  Gunning

Shelf Life: 9 months

Industries: Mineral Processing: Cement & Lime Plants

Best Applications: Engineered for high temperature applications in industrial processes that require enhanced performance refractories to help guard against sever alkali attacks, including:

  1. Stage 1 through 4 Cyclones & Ducts
  2. Lower Preheat & Pre-calciner Risers
  3. Tertiary Air Ducts

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Pligun® CL 5-M KK is a mullite based gun mix, specially formulated with 5% SiC in the refractory matrix.   The special SiC formulation gives this Pligun material an enhanced performance against alkali attack in more severe cement-lime mineral processing applications.   As the trend towards alternate fuel utilization becomes more prevalent in the industry, enhanced gun mixes such as Pligun CL 5-M KK are becoming key to refractory lining longevity.   Alternate fuel impurities can accelerate build up on refractory surfaces, leading to a premature life-span of the refractory lining.   The inclusion of SiC fines into the refractory matrix aids in extending refractory life by forming a glassy Si layer which reacts with the alkali and seals the refractory to further alkali, sulfate, or chloride penetration.   Product advantages include:

  • Good gunning characteristics
  • Good strength to density ratio
  • Moderate Thermal Expansion
  • Moderate Thermal Conductivity
  • Improved alkali corrosion resistance over traditional standard gun mixes

Available Internationally As: Plico® Gun Mix CL 5-M KK

Plibrico SDS Link –

Installation Method: Gunning

Shelf Life: 9 months

Industries: Mineral Processing, Cement, Lime

Best Applications: High Temperature applications in industrial processes where there is a requirement for normal duty refractories with some alkali reaction potential, including:

Stage 1 through 4 Cyclones and Ducts
Lower Preheat and Pre-calciner Risers
Tertiary Air Ducts
Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Pligun® CL 5-F KK is a super-duty gun mix specially formulated with 5% SiC in the refractory matrix. The SiC infused matrix gives this material a heightened performance against alkali attack in normal duty service cement-lime mineral processing applications where, traditionally, conventional gun mixes were once used. Enhanced gun mixes such as Pligun CL 5-F KK are becoming more important as the trend toward alternate fuel utilization becomes more prevalent. Alternative fuel impurities can accelerate build up on refractory surfaces, leading to a premature life-span of the lining. The application of SiC fines into the refractory matrix aids in extending the refractory life by forming a glassy Si layer which reacts with the alkali and seals the refractory against further alkali, sulfate, or chloride penetration.

Product advantages include:

Good gunning characteristics
Good strength to density ratio
Moderate Thermal Expansion
Moderate Thermal Conductivity
Improved alkali corrosion resistance over traditional standard gun mixes
Available Internationally As: Plico® Gun Mix CL 5-F KK

Plibrico SDS Link –

  • Plibrico® Plastic Refractories

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®Super F AB58%2900F / 1590CSDS
    Plibrico®60 AB58%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS
    Plibrico®90 AB90%3400F / 1871CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®55 S54%3000F / 1648CSDS
    Plibrico®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®68 SA68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®85 S Special83%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®90 S90%3400F / 1870CSDS
    Plibrico®SiC 80(80% SiC)2700F / 1480CSDS

    (fine grain – soft)

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®SR 6868%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 8583%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 9088%3400F / 1870CSDS

    Plibrico HyRATE® Plastic Refractories – Gunning Grade

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®Super F AB43%2900F / 1595CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®60 AB60%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®85 S Special84%3300F / 1815CSDS