Product: PliFlow HyMOR SiC 70 KK
SiC Demon Mortar 85 Dry
Product #: 14805 (PliFlow)
17011 (Mortar)
Service Temperature Limit: 2900°F
Installation Method: Pouring, Pumping and Troweling
Shelf Life: 6 months
Industries: Waste-to-Energy, Boilers
Best Applications: These high silicon carbide products are recommended for applications that include:
- Waste-to-Energy Boilers
- Backfilling behind silicon carbide tile (PliFlow)
- Adhering silicon carbide tile to a surface (Mortar)
Plibrico TDS Link – (PliFlow)
Product Information: PliFlow™ HyMOR® SiC 70 KK is a 70% silicon carbide, self-flowing/self-leveling low cement castable. SiC Demon® Mortar 85 Dry is a dry, high silicon carbide content refractory mortar. Both products have high thermal conductivity to support efficient thermal transfer. Product advantages include:
- High thermal conductivity
- Resistance to corrosion from gases at low temperatures
- Good fracture toughness
Available Internationally As: Plico® Flow LC SiC 70 KK
SiC Demon® Mortar 85 Dry
Plibrico SDS Link – (PliFlow)