Product: Redline Redcast 50A

Product #: 52201

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 3000°F

Shelf Life: 6 months

Product Information: Redline Redcast 50A is an high strength, super duty, low moisture castable that has been engineered to meet most service conditions.   Applications include: aluminum furnace roofs and upper sidewalls, forge and heat treating furnaces, kiln car tops, rotary kiln linings, and dryer furnaces.

Product: Redline Redcon 45A

Product #: 51201

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact: 1700°F

Non-Contact: 2500°F

Shelf Life:  12 months

Product Information: Redline Redcon 45A is a first quality, conventionally bonded castable.   It was engineered for application in the subhearths of aluminum melting and holding furnaces.   It contains a non-wetting additive for molten aluminum resistance.

Product: Redline Redcast 60A/7

Product #: 52211

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 3100°F

Shelf Life: 6 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redcast 60A/7 is a mullite castable that exhibits excellent strength, along with abrasion and thermal shock resistance.   It contains a silicon carbide addition to enhance resistance to alkali attack.   It has been engineered for severe wear areas that are subject to oxide growth in aluminum melting and holding equipment.

Product: Redline Redcast 70A/7

Product #: 52205

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 3100°F

Shelf Life: 6 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redcast 70A/7 is a high purity mullite castable that has outstanding strength, abrasion and thermal shock resistance, and has a silicon carbide addition to enhance resistance to alkali attack. It is designed for severe wear areas and areas which are subject to oxide growth within aluminum melting equipment. Great for use where high mag containing alloys are a problem as well as in transfer troughing.

Product: Redline Redcast 60A/10

Product #: 52203

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 3000°F

Shelf Life: 6 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redcast 60A/10 is a mullite based low cement castable that contains a silicon carbide addition for increased abrasion and thermal shock resistance. It was specifically designed for rotary dross furnaces that are run intermittently. It can be used in areas that are subjected to high degrees of impact and thermal shock from molten aluminum. This material can also be utilized in molten copper transfer troughs.

Product: Redline Redcon 60A

Product #: 51203

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1800°F

Non-Contact – 3100°F

Shelf Life: 9 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redcon 60A is a conventionally bonded, high alumina, high strength castable designed for service conditions at elevated temperatures.   Applications include heat treating and forging furnaces, burner blocks, and most heating equipment.

Product: Redline Cool Cast A

Product #: 51202

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2400°F

Shelf Life: 6 months

Product Information: Redline™ Cool Cast A has a castable formulation that contains a unique naturally non-wetting mineralogy that enables Plibrico to fomulate a castable that contains 0% Free Silica.   It exhibits high strength, excellent thermal shock resistance, outstanding resistance to molten aluminum and oxide formation, and high heat retention properties.   It offers potential energy savings over standard low cement castables and can lower cold face temperatures without sacrificing durability.   It can be used for a variety of molten aluminum contact applications including die cast holding furnaces, transfer troughs, ladles, and furnace covers.

Product: Plicast Al-Tuff 70 KK

Product #: 03277

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1800°F

Non-Contact – 3100°F

Installation Method:  Casting or Pumping

Shelf Life: 6 months

Industries: Aluminum

Best Applications: Field cast and precast shape applications for aluminum melting and holding furnaces that require enhanced performance, including:

  1. Ramps
  2. Sills
  3. Precast Shapes
  4. Jambs
  5. Hotwalls
  6. Troughs
  7. Ladles

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® Al-Tuff® 70 KK K is a hybrid bauxite/mullite based, non-wetting, low cement castable with a modified matrix and grain sizing.   Thermal cycling characteristics make it ideal for many high temperature cyclic applications.   These characteristics include hot strength at elevated temperatures and low abrasion loss.   Product advantages include:

  • Hot strength at elevated temperatures
  • Low abrasion loss
  • Excellent thermal shock resistance

Plicast Al-Tuff 70 KK also has good flow and setting characteristics allowing it to be place by vibration, casting or pumping.

Available Internationally As: Plico® Castable A-T 70 KK

Plibrico SDS Link –

Product: Plicast Al-Tuff 85 BF C KK

Product #: 3269


Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact – 1700°F

Non-Contact – 3100°F

Installation Method:  Casting or Pumping

Shelf Life:  6 months

Industries:  Aluminum


Best Applications:  This aluminum resistant, high alumina castable is engineered to be used in applications that include:

  1. Precast Shapes
  2. Jambs and Sills in an aluminum furnace
  3. Aluminum troughs, high wear areas


Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® A-Tuff® 85 BF C KK is a brown fused, aluminum resistant, high alumina based low cement castable.   This coarse grain material is engineered to provide excellent resistance to thermal cycling, impact and fracture.   Made with 85% brown fused alumina, this non-wetting castable also offers excellent abrasion resistance and superior strength.   Plicast Al-Tuff 85 BF C KK combination of strength, toughness, alumina content, and other compositional features make it an excellent product for many applications.   Product advantages include:

  • Excellent abrasion resistance < 5 cc
  • Excellent CCS and hot strength
  • Non-wetting to aluminum
  • High density and low shrinkage
  • Great casting properties

Highly versatile, this material can be vibration cast, cast or pumped.

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Castable A-T 85 BF C


Plibrico SDS Link –


Product: Plicast Al-Tuff LWI 24 HS

Product #: 3267

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2400°F

Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life: 6 months

Industries: Aluminum

Best Applications:  This lightweight material with exceptionally high strength is recommended for applications that include:

  1. Precast Shapes where weight is a factor
  2. Linings for reheat furnace floors
  3. Over-the-road aluminum ladles
  4. Backup linings in aluminum furnaces

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® LWI® 24 HS is a nonwetting insulating castable that is based on a light weight alumino-silicate aggregate system.   This lightweight material possess exceptionally high strength in conjunction with low density.   When compared to traditional lightweight refractories, this material offers an impressive 200% more in cold crushing strength (CCS).   The castables increased strength does not affect its density, which is maintained at a noteworthy 80 pounds per cubic foot (pcf).   Product advantages include:

  • Excellent CCS and hot strength
  • Great volume stability, low linear shrinkage
  • Low density
  • Great casting consistency
  • Low thermal conductivity

Available Internationally As: Plico® Castable A-T LW 24 HS

Plibrico SDS Link –

  • Plibrico® Plastic Refractories

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®Super F AB58%2900F / 1590CSDS
    Plibrico®60 AB58%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS
    Plibrico®90 AB90%3400F / 1871CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®55 S54%3000F / 1648CSDS
    Plibrico®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®68 SA68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®85 S Special83%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®90 S90%3400F / 1870CSDS
    Plibrico®SiC 80(80% SiC)2700F / 1480CSDS

    (fine grain – soft)

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®SR 6868%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 8583%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 9088%3400F / 1870CSDS

    Plibrico HyRATE® Plastic Refractories – Gunning Grade

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®Super F AB43%2900F / 1595CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®60 AB60%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®85 S Special84%3300F / 1815CSDS