Product: Pligun Fast Track 31 LCZ
Product #: 3324
Service Temperature Limit: 3100°F
Installation Method: Gunning
Shelf Life: 9 months
Industries: Boilers, Incineration, Off-Gas, Steel, Aluminum, Mineral Processing
Best Applications: This material is engineered to work well in a variety of industrial processes, these include:
- Fluidized Bed combustors
- Boilers – oil and coal fired
- Thermal Oxidizers – combustion and quench chambers
- Waste Incinerators – primary combustion chamber
- Aluminum furnaces – non-metal contact areas
- Mineral Processing Kilns – alumina, cement and aggregate calcining
- Steel/Ferrous – reheat/forge furnace, jambs, lintels, sills, roof and walls.
Plibrico TDS Link –
Product Information: Pligun® Fast Track 31 LCZ is a mullite based, low cement gun mix with 3% zirconia for strong slag resistance. Engineered to be put into service more rapidly than traditional cement bonded gunning materials, cure times after installation can be reduced to 4 hrs, however for ideal physical characteristics 8 hrs is recommended. After curing, initial heating can be as fast as 100°F/hr with no temperature holds. Please refer to Plibrico Bake Out Schedule FT for specifics. Product advantages include:
- Superior resistance to alkali attack and slags
- High strength – both hot and cold
- Strong abrasion resistance
- Good Volume stability
- Nice gunnablity
Available Internationally As: Plico® Gun Mix Fast Track 31 LCZ
Plibrico SDS Link –