Product: Plicast LWI 24 P
Product #: 16052
Service Temperature Limit: 2450°F
Installation Method: Pumping
Shelf Life: 6 months
Industries: Aluminum, Mineral Processing, Power Generation, Boilers, Incineration, Off Gas, Thermal Oxidizers
Best Applications: Engineered for applications requiring a high temperature insulating component, where pumping is the preferred method of installation. Applications include:
- Reheat, Car Bottom, and Annealing Furnaces – backup insulation
- Boilers
- Incinerators and Thermal Oxidizers
- Aluminum furnaces – upper wall and roof back up insulation
- Mineral Processing Kilns – backup insulation
- Fired Process Heaters
- Dryers
- Stacks
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Product Information: Plicast® LWI 24 P is a high temperature insulating castable, with a service limit of 2450°F. Plicast LWI 24 P possesses low density, and has good thermal efficiency, making it suitable for use as either an effective backup insulating component or as a primary lining material in less demanding, lower temperature applications. In addition, this material can be pumped to ease the installation of large projects. Product advantages include:
- Pumpable
- Low Density and Low Thermal Conductivity
- Adequate Strength
- Versatility for a wide range of applications
- Long Storage Life
Available Internationally As: Plico® Castable LW 24-P
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