Product: Plicast LWI 24 QS

Product #: 3330

 Service Temperature Limit: 2450°F

 Installation Method:  Casting

Shelf Life:  12 months

 Industries:  Aluminum, Mineral Processing, Power Generation, Boilers, Incineration, Off Gas, Thermal Oxidizers

Best Applications:  Engineered for applications requiring a high temperature insulating component, these include:

  1. Reheat, car bottom and annealing furnaces – backup insulation
  2. Boilers
  3. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers
  4. Aluminum furnaces – upper wall and backup insulation
  5. Mineral processing kilns – backup insulation
  6. Fired process heaters
  7. Dryers

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Product Information: Plicast® LWI® 24 QS is a quick setting insulating refractory castable.   A service limit of 2450°F, moderate density, and adequate strength, make this material suitable for use as either as an efficient backup insulating component, or a primary lining material in less demanding, moderate temperature applications.   Product advantages include:

  • Quick Setting
  • Good strength
  • 2450°F service limit
  • Medium density ~80 pcf
  • Moderately low thermal conductivity
  • Good volume stability
  • Good casting consistency
  • Good product storage life: 12 mth

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Castable LW 24 QS

 Plibrico SDS Link –

Product: Redline Redlite 20G

Product #: 55301

Service Temperature Limit:  2000°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redlite 20G is a lightweight insulating gun mix that is engineered for service at low to moderate temperatures.   Generally used as backup insulation, it can also be used for stacks and door linings in low temperature applications.

Product: Redline Redlite 24G

Product #: 55303

Service Temperature Limit:  2400°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redlite 24G is a high temperature insulating gun mix.   It can be used in a variety of applications including heat treating furnaces, thermal oxidizers, and flue stacks.

Product: Redline Redlite G 24A

Product #: 55401

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2400°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redlite G 24A is a high temperature insulating castable that exhibits excellent properties and gunning characteristics.   It contains a non-wetting additive for molten aluminum contact applications.   It can be used in melting and holding furnace doors, furnace subhearths and over-the-road ladle linings and covers.   It also has application in petrochemical heaters and vessels, boiler and incinerator stack linings and door liners.

Product: Redline Redlite 28A

Product #: 55202

Service Temperature Limit: 

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2800°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline Redlite 28A is a high temperature insulating castable which has excellent properties.   It contains a non-wetting additive for molten aluminum contact applications.   It can be used in melting and holding furnace doors, furnace subhearths and over-the-road ladle linings and covers.

Product: Redline Redlite 24A

Product #: 55201

Service Temperature Limit: 

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2450°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline Redlite 24A is a lightweight insulating castable designed for use in intermediate temperatures.   It contains a non-wetting additive for molten aluminum resistance.   This product is well suited for backup linings in aluminum holding furnaces and small melters.

Product: Redline Redlite G 28A

Product #: 55402

Service Temperature Limit:

Aluminum Contact –  1700°F

Non-Contact – 2800°F

Shelf Life: 12 months

Product Information: Redline™ Redlite G 28A is a high temperature insulating castable that exhibits excellent properties and gunning characteristics.   It contains a non-wetting additive for molten aluminum contact applications such as melting and holding furnace subhearths, and over-the-road ladle linings and covers.   Redline Redlite G 28A can also be used in petrochemical heaters and vessels, boiler and incinerator stack linings, and door liner applications.

Product: Plicast C/G LWI 28 LI

Product #: 3273

Service Temperature Limit:  2800°F

Installation Method:  Casting or Gunning

Shelf Life:  9 months

Industries:  Petro-Chemical, Refineries, Steel, Power Generation, Mineral Processing, Thermal Oxidizers, Incinerators

Best Applications:  Engineered for versatility in applications where the installer may need to either cast or gun an insulating refractory with low-iron content and good strength.   Applications include:

  1. Petrochemical applications
  2. Thermal Oxidizer back-up lining
  3. Anywhere a light-weight low-iron versatile insulating material is required

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Product Information: Plicast® C/G LWI 28 LI is engineered as a versatile go-to material where elevated physical properties are required in many applications.   It can be cast or gunned in the field with twice the cold crushing strength as similarly rated light-weight refractory castables and is good in reducing atmospheres.   This material has good/sticky casting properties and low rebound when gunned making it a product that can be used in a wide variety of applications.   Product advantages include:

  • Excellent Strength for an LWI – 2X the CCS
  • Low Rebound
  • Moderate Density
  • Versatility for a wide range of applications
  • Low Iron Content <1.0%

Available Internationally As:  Plico Castable C/G LW 28 L

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Product: Plicast Airlite 25 C/G

Product #: 3271

Service Temperature Limit:  2500°F

Installation Method:  Gunning, Casting, Troweling

Shelf Life:  6 months

Industries:  Boilers, Thermal Oxidizers, Steel, Petrochemical, Aluminum, Mineral Processing

Best Applications:  Engineered as a “Liquid Board™”… this highly insulating backup lining can be used as a replacement option for block insulation where cutting and fitting ceramic fiber board and block insulations are impractical or not economical.   Typical applications include:

  1. Boilers where block insulation is used
  2. Fired heaters – backup insulation
  3. Incinerators and thermal oxidizers – backup insulation
  4. Aluminum furnaces – backup insulation
  5. Reheat furnaces – backup insulation
  6. Homogenizing furnaces

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® Airlite 25 C/G is a low-density insulating mix which can be gunned, poured, or troweled into place.   This Liquid Board™ type of material has the versatility needed for ceramic fiber board/block insulation applications that require a significant amount of cutting and fitting around complex geometries or anchors.   Because of its low thermal conductivity, it has very similar insulating properties to block insulation.   For use as a backup lining only and not a working lining.   Product advantages include:

  • Low density
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Versatility and ease of installation
  • Low rebound

Available Internationally As:  Plico Castable Airlite 25 C/G

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Product: Plicast Airlite 25

Product #: 3270

Service Temperature Limit: 2500°F 

Installation Method:  Casting or Troweling

Shelf Life:  6 months 

Industries:  Aluminum, Steel, Incineration, Boilers

Best Applications:  This economical solution to cutting block insulation, and its trowel version (Plicast Airlite 25 Trowel), are recommended for applications that include:

  1. Backup linings
  2. Replacement of block insulation
  3. Furnaces, roofs
  4. Boilers

Plibrico TDS Link –

Product Information: Plicast® Airlite 25 is a lightweight, insulating castable.   Very low density and exceptionally low thermal conductivity makes this material, and its trowel version (Plicast Airlite 25 Trowel), a great alternative to insulation blocks.   Plicast Airlite 25 is very versatile and will form to complex shells and fill voids when casting.   Perfect for complex geometries, no more labor intensive cutting of block insulation, this material is engineered to be poured into place.   Product advantages include:

  • Super low thermal conductivity: 0.16 W/m°C
  • Very low density
  • Can be used in place of block insulation

Available Internationally As:  Plico® Castable Airlite 25

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  • Plibrico® Plastic Refractories

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®Super F AB58%2900F / 1590CSDS
    Plibrico®60 AB58%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS
    Plibrico®90 AB90%3400F / 1871CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®55 S54%3000F / 1648CSDS
    Plibrico®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®68 SA68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®85 S Special83%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®90 S90%3400F / 1870CSDS
    Plibrico®SiC 80(80% SiC)2700F / 1480CSDS

    (fine grain – soft)

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico®SR 6868%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 8583%3300F / 1815CSDS
    Plibrico®SR 9088%3400F / 1870CSDS

    Plibrico HyRATE® Plastic Refractories – Gunning Grade

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®Super F AB43%2900F / 1595CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®60 AB60%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®80 AB78%3200F / 1760CSDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name%Al2O3Service LimitSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®68 S68%3100F / 1705CSDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®85 S Special84%3300F / 1815CSDS